Thursday, June 23, 2011

Bibliographic notes...expanding textile techniques...

I love finding texts that help me to expand my repetoire of skills as well as my ideas about the development of line, shape and compositional techniques for textile works. Cas Holmes' The found object in textile art (Batsford, London, 2010) is an incredibly useful text for any fibre artist who seeks to create new works by reusing a wide range of existing fabrics and papers in new and unexpected ways.

Bibliographic notes...using knit fabrics...

I focus on the use of vintage knit fabrics for new soft fabrications, but I frequently find inspiration in texts related to the creation of knitted wearables. Pat Ashforth and Steve Plummer produced No pattern knits. Simple modular techniques for making wonderful garments and accessories for the Milner Craft Series (Sally Milner Publishing, Bowral, 2006). This text provides a valuable springboard for the development of ideas for a range of compositions based on different shape modules as well as ways of joining shapes.